
April 17, 2009

The first not about he choice is: we always a choice. Even if it does not look that way. We often choose an easy way out, by looking for the reasons of our inconvenience at the bystanders or in the past. However, imagine yourself that this is exactly the way it should be. What if everything what happens to you is a lesson that you may experience in life? Or by calling it a lesson your find a new excuse not to feel anything? Well this is not how I think about it. You are responsible for all the choices in your life. Work you do, has been chosen by you, relationship you have right now, has also been chosen by you. However, all you have chosen for you did with the resources that you had had at that time. It is possible you will not make the same choice now. Make then another choice now. Before you make this new choice, give yourself permission to wonder whether you might learn something from the current situation. And ask yourself, does it hurt, where does it hurt and how does it feel. If you find it difficult to feel the pain, which is always there on the background on your own, you are most welcome to ask for our help. ( or any other therapist. When I look at to my own situation, then abuse always comes up. Even in that particular situation I had a choice, I could have restricted it to one time, by telling about it to my parents (I was not allowed to) and I could offer much more resistance then I did, as a result of which none of this abuse would have happened. I could use all the energy I had then, to say NO. I have done neither of those, and have chosen for a victim model. I am not doing it anymore and therefore those things are not happening in my life anymore.