Feel the Peace in Your Heart

Meditation by Osho

This is a very simple method but it works miraculously ― try it. And anyone can try it, there is no danger. The first thing is to be in an easy relaxed position. Don’t struggle with the posture. You can sit in an easy chair and relax. The only thing is your body must be in a relaxed state. 


Just close your eyes and feel all over the body. Start from the legs ― feel whether there is some tension or not. If you feel there is some tension, do one thing: make it more tense. If you feel there is some tension in the right leg, then make that tension as intense as possible. Bring it to a peak ― then suddenly relax so that you can feel how the relaxation settles there. Then go all over the body just looking everywhere for some tension. 


Wherever you feel the tension make it more so, because it is easy to relax when it is intense. In just a mid-state it is very difficult because you cannot feel it. It is easy to move from one extreme to another, very easy, because the very extreme creates the situation to move to the other. So if you feel some tensions in the face then strain all the face muscles as much as possible, create tension and bring it to a peak. Bring it to a point where you feel that no more is possible ― then suddenly relax. In this way see that all parts of the body, all the limbs are relaxed. 


Close your eyes and just feel the area between the two armpits: the heart area, your chest. First feel it just between the two armpits with your total attention, total awareness. Forget the whole body, remember just the heart area between the two armpits, the chest, and feel it filled with great peace. The moment the body is relaxed, peace automatically happens in your heart. The heart becomes silent, relaxed, harmonious. And when you forget the whole body and bring your attention just to the chest and consciously feel it filled with peace, much peace will happen immediately. 


Whenever you are able to feel the peace between your two armpits filling you, pervading your heart center, the world will look illusory. This is a sign that you have entered meditation ― when the world feels and appears to be illusory. 


Go on doing it. And it is so easy that you can go on doing it any time. Just lying on your bed at night you can do it; just in the morning when you feel that you are now awake you can do it. Do first and then get up. Even ten minutes will be enough. Ten minutes at night just before falling asleep, do it. Make the world unreal, and your sleep will be so deep that you may not have slept like that before. If the world becomes unreal just before falling asleep, dreaming will be less. Because if the world has become a dream then dreams cannot continue. And if the world is unreal, you are totally relaxed because the reality of the world will not impinge itself upon you, hammer on you. 


I have suggested this technique to people who suffer from insomnia. It helps deeply. 


 Osho, The Book of Secrets, Talk #71

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