Feel the Peace in Your Heart

September 7, 2010

Meditation by Osho

This is a very simple method but it works miraculously ― try it. And anyone can try it, there is no danger. The first thing is to be in an easy relaxed position. Don’t struggle with the posture. You can sit in an easy chair and relax. The only thing is your body must be in a relaxed state. 


Just close your eyes and feel all over the body. Start from the legs ― feel whether there is some tension or not. If you feel there is some tension, do one thing: make it more tense. If you feel there is some tension in the right leg, then make that tension as intense as possible. Bring it to a peak ― then suddenly relax so that you can feel how the relaxation settles there. Then go all over the body just looking everywhere for some tension. 


Wherever you feel the tension make it more so, because it is easy to relax when it is intense. In just a mid-state it is very difficult because you cannot feel it. It is easy to move from one extreme to another, very easy, because the very extreme creates the situation to move to the other. So if you feel some tensions in the face then strain all the face muscles as much as possible, create tension and bring it to a peak. Bring it to a point where you feel that no more is possible ― then suddenly relax. In this way see that all parts of the body, all the limbs are relaxed. 


Close your eyes and just feel the area between the two armpits: the heart area, your chest. First feel it just between the two armpits with your total attention, total awareness. Forget the whole body, remember just the heart area between the two armpits, the chest, and feel it filled with great peace. The moment the body is relaxed, peace automatically happens in your heart. The heart becomes silent, relaxed, harmonious. And when you forget the whole body and bring your attention just to the chest and consciously feel it filled with peace, much peace will happen immediately. 


Whenever you are able to feel the peace between your two armpits filling you, pervading your heart center, the world will look illusory. This is a sign that you have entered meditation ― when the world feels and appears to be illusory. 


Go on doing it. And it is so easy that you can go on doing it any time. Just lying on your bed at night you can do it; just in the morning when you feel that you are now awake you can do it. Do first and then get up. Even ten minutes will be enough. Ten minutes at night just before falling asleep, do it. Make the world unreal, and your sleep will be so deep that you may not have slept like that before. If the world becomes unreal just before falling asleep, dreaming will be less. Because if the world has become a dream then dreams cannot continue. And if the world is unreal, you are totally relaxed because the reality of the world will not impinge itself upon you, hammer on you. 


I have suggested this technique to people who suffer from insomnia. It helps deeply. 


 Osho, The Book of Secrets, Talk #71

Eleven Keys to Increasing your Productivity

September 6, 2010

By Brian Tracy

  • Develop clear goals and write them down.
    Because higher productivity begins with clear goals, goal setting is a key component of our coaching program. As you know, a goal must be specific and measurable to be effective in guiding your behavior. It must reflect your beliefs and be within your power to achieve.
  • Write a clear action plan.
    Next, if you want to turbo-charge your productivity, make sure you have a clear, written plan of action. Every minute you spend in careful planning will save you as many as ten minutes in execution.
  • Set your priorities.
    The third step is to prioritize your list. Analyze your list before you take action. Identify and start with the high-value tasks on your list.
  • Concentrate and eliminate distractions.
    In this step, choose a high-value activity or task, start on it immediately, and stay with it until it is done. Focusing single-minded attention on one task allows you to complete it far more quickly than starting and stopping.
  • Lengthen your workday but increase your time off.
    By starting your workday a little earlier, working through lunchtime, and staying a little later, you can become one of the most productive people in your field.
  • Work harder at what you do.
    When you are at work, concentrate on work all the time you are there. Don’t squander your time or fall into the habit of treating the workplace as a community where socializing is acceptable.
  • Pick up the pace. At work, develop a sense of urgency and maintain a quicker tempo in all your activities. Get on with the job. Dedicate yourself to moving quickly from task to task.
  • Work smarter.
    Focus on the value of the tasks you complete. While the number of hours you put in is important, what matters most is the quality and quantity of results you achieve.
  • Align your work with your skills.
    Skill and experience count. You achieve more in less time when you work on tasks at which you are especially skilled or experienced.
  • Bunch your tasks.
    Group similar activities and do them all at the same time. Making all your calls, completing all your estimates, or preparing all your presentation slides at the same time allows you to develop speed and skill at each activity.
  • Cut out steps.
    Pull several parts of the job together into a single task and eliminate several steps. Where you can, cut lower-value activities completely.

Action Exercise
What are your ten most important goals? Carefully review your ten most important goals. Select one that, if achieved immediately, would have the strongest positive impact on your life.

“Existence is not a problem to be solved, it is a mystery to be lived”

July 21, 2010
And you should be perfectly aware what the difference is between a mystery and a problem. A problem is something created by the mind; a mystery is something which is there, not created by the mind. A problem has an ugliness in it, like disease. A mystery is beautiful. With a problem, immediately a fight arises. You have to solve it; something is wrong, you have to put it right; something is missing, you have to supply the missing link. With a mystery there is no question like that. The moon arises in the night…. It is not a problem, it is a mystery. You have to live with it. You have to dance with it. You have to sing with it, or you can be just silent with it. Something mysterious surrounds you.” OSHO

Wisdom of Osho

July 20, 2010

Work should be considered as play, not as work. Work should be considered as play, just a game. You should not be serious about it; you should be just like children playing. It is meaningless, nothing is to be achieved; just the very activity is enjoyed. You can feel the distinction if you play sometimes. When you work it is different: you are serious, burdened, responsible, worried, anxious, because the result, the end-result, is the motive. The work itself is not worth enjoying. The real thing is just in the future, in the result. In play there is no result, really. The very process is blissful. And you are not worried, it is not a serious thing. Even if you look serious, it is just pretending. In play you enjoy the very process; in work the process is not being enjoyed — the goal, the end, is important. The process has to be tolerated anyhow. It has to be done because the end has to be achieved. If you could achieve the end without this, you would drop activity and jump to the end. But in play you would not do that.

The businessman is not playful. And if you are not playful, you cannot be meditative. Be more and more playful. Waste time in play. Just playing with children will do. Even if there is no one, you can jump and dance alone in the room and be playful. Enjoy. But your mind will go on insisting, “What are you doing, wasting time? You can earn something out of this time. You can do something, and you are just jumping, singing, and dancing. What are you doing? Have you gone mad?

Try it. Snatch whatsoever time you can get out of your business, and be playful. Whatsoever. You can paint, you can play on a sitar, anything you like — but be playful. Look for no profit out of it, see no future in it, just the present. And then, then you can be playful inside also. Then you can jump on your thoughts, play with them, throw them here and there, dance with them, but not be serious about them.

Osho, The Book of Secrets , Talk #79


July 11, 2010

A Jewish woman goes to see her Rabbi and asks, “Yankele and Yosele are
both in love with me, who will be the lucky one?”
The wise old Rabbi answers: ” Yankele will marry you. Yosele will be
the lucky one.

If a married Jewish man is walking alone in a park and expresses an
opinion without anybody hearing him, is he still wrong?

My father says, “Marry a girl who has the same beliefs as the family.”
I said, “Dad, why would I marry a girl who thinks I’m a schmuck?”

Jewish Marriage advice “Don’t marry a beautiful person. They may leave
you. Of course, an ugly person may leave you too. But who cares?”

Morris went to his rabbi for some needed advice. “Rabbi, tell me is it
proper for one man to profit from another man’s mistakes?”
“No Morris, a man should not profit from another man’s mistakes”
answered the rabbi.
“Are you sure Rabbi?”
“Of course, I’m sure, in fact I’m positive” exclaimed the Rabbi.
” Ok, Rabbi, if you are so sure, how about returning the two hundred
dollars I gave you for marrying me to my wife?”

The Italian says, “I’m tired and thirsty. I must have wine.” The
Frenchman says, “I’m tired and thirsty. I must have cognac.” The
Russian says, “I’m tired and thirsty. I must have vodka.” The German
says, “I’m tired and thirsty. I must have beer.” The Mexican says,
“I’m tired and thirsty. I must have tequila.” The Jew says, “I’m tired
and thirsty. I must have diabetes.”

Jewish proverb: “A Jewish wife will forgive and forget, but she’ll
never forget what she forgave.”

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Challenge for the parent?

June 15, 2010

Honest Parenting                                    
Simple parenting techniques that tame difficult kids. Free trial.

The basic parenting equipment that we have is the way in which our very own parents brought us up. Being a first time parent is hard enough.

Being a parent is a life long experience. At the time conception, your gratifying job as a parent finally begins.

> You will learn techniques for good parenting skills when you allow your child to win (sometimes) and make sure that he/she loses (as well) in the battles that the both of you will soon to face. There will be times that calls for you to disapprove your child’s actions and attitude, but you do not want to be in a way that will traumatize your child. Remember that too much of criticism is not going to do any good in any parent and child relationships.

Just because now that your child is taller than you doesn’t mean that they are more matured and ready for anything that this world can offer them. Many parents face the problem of trying to find the right solutions to help their child with their problems so rest assured you are not the only parent with this problem. Parenting a child takes a lifetime. Being a parent is nothing but a priceless job. Even after all of your children have grown up, they will still come to you for advice.

To be happy (blissfully) is what most parents want for their child. By allowing your child to experience his/her, life to its fullest on their terms within a safe boundaries level of responsibilities is considered as the greatest gift to give your child. As young as one-year-old, your child can start learning self-reliance.

Always relate your command as a statement, and never as a your child a question – Most parents are prone to saying, “Would you like to star doing your homework now?” and other commands which should always be stated using a firm voice such as saying, “It’s time to work on your homework now”, which can help you gain more cooperation from your child. Start to establish house rules – For instance, if your house rule is that bedtime should be at 8 pm, simply state the rule. By using rewards – You can focus on your child’s positive attitude instead of the negatives by trying to put a marble in a jar when ever your child starts doing something for the first time that you asked which in turn provides more cooperation from your child.

Most parents often think that they know better and having that mind set is the biggest part of the problem because parent actually don’t always know what’s better fro their child. Going out alone is just not an option for children any more. However, as kids approach the age of ten or maybe eleven they may start to rebel against this as a lot of their school friends are already permitted to go off and play by themselves. Do you attend parent evenings (PTA’s)? A child may not always mention this meeting so you should be an active parent within the child’s school.


> After finding that your family is now beginning to enjoy the family quality time and are beginning to look forward to your family spending more time together, they may even ask that family dinners be extended. If your family want to spend more time together by extending night time dinners, then you will know for sure that indeed good memories are made. Always remember that it’s important to always start small to make family changes. Your family will need time to adapt and to absorb this new family dinning time experience. It’s better to make gradual routine changes as opposed to major drastic changes that will certainly bring about all kinds of objections amongst your family. If family bonding time begins your family members feel good then they are most likely to want to experience the family bonding time again so keep the conversation light, bubbly, happy, inspirational and upbeat for the whole family.
> Also, there should be a timeout for issues that have been brought up earlier and the issues should be continued at a later time which is another solution for enjoying stress memories.

Honest Parenting                                    
Simple parenting techniques that tame difficult kids. Free trial.

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IS cure possible?

May 28, 2010

Would you believe me, if I told you that there is a way to cure all diseases? Since the beginning of time, men have been searching for an element that could cure all ailments and endow immortality. There is a revolutionary breakthrough made by European medical science that is meant to cure almost any kind of diseases effectively. Ponder that line for a moment “Imagine a world living life in peace”.
According to a various websites, some of the most common causes of deaths are Alzheimer’s disease, cancer (of all kinds), heart diseases, diabetes, emphysema, Parkinson’s disease and tuberculosis. Communicable diseases are still threats to our body even if their statistics seem to be lower now.
If the body lacks in oxygen supply, the cells deteriorate and thus possibly becomes cancerous. This does not mean the oxygen intake in the lungs alone but into the cells as well. Even the use of deep breathing exercises to restore oxygen supply is of little avail. Everyday activities and stress are causing oxygen depletion. Studies on oxygen supply of the body showed that only 15 percent of oxygen is incorporated in the blood stream.
What we have for you is an innovation of scientific study that will be very helpful and beneficial to everyone.

Other people say that those toxins that have been eaten, from the air around us and the substances that we take inside the body also cause cancer. Otto Warburg, a two-time Nobel Prize winner surprised the world when he revealed that the cause of most diseases is lack of sufficient amount of OXYGEN in the body. In Germany, the doctor was an administrator for the Max Planck Institute for Cell Physiology. Although these are the real issues behind these disorders, they are not the basis of these diseases.
It will distribute maximum amount of oxygen passing through the bloodstream directly to the cells. It also exposes a grave threat to all alternative treatments, other health supplements, and ordinary food products grouped together. Get the” One Minute Cure” copy and you shall have the health benefits of all time, become a new you, and be a healthy and disease-free YOU.
Just add a few drops of this solution to 6 to 8 ounces of distilled water. The production of strong cells makes it survive more and multiply fast. As a result, it produces stronger immune system. The one-Minute Cure provides the proper set of rules instructed to you for maximum results.
What would you risk to assure that you and your family would not be ill with the supposed “untreatable” syndrome that is now known to be curable? Try to visualize yourself of not having to acquire flu again, or endure painful headaches caused by migraine, gum disorders like gingivitis, sinus congestion, anemia, lupus, acute bronchitis and many other disorders. You will find out how this uncomplicated treatment will save the lives countless human beings all over the world; how to make our lifestyle get better by exterminating the life-threatening disorders and make improvements, if not solutions, for the health care programs of the country.
All of these can be prevented. You’ll discover why this simple therapy has the potential to save the lives of millions of people; how it can dramatically improve the quality of our lives by eradicating disease; and how it could potentially solve the health care crisis in this country. This is a system that is so easy to follow. Everyone is scared to get sick.
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April 17, 2009

The first not about he choice is: we always a choice. Even if it does not look that way. We often choose an easy way out, by looking for the reasons of our inconvenience at the bystanders or in the past. However, imagine yourself that this is exactly the way it should be. What if everything what happens to you is a lesson that you may experience in life? Or by calling it a lesson your find a new excuse not to feel anything? Well this is not how I think about it. You are responsible for all the choices in your life. Work you do, has been chosen by you, relationship you have right now, has also been chosen by you. However, all you have chosen for you did with the resources that you had had at that time. It is possible you will not make the same choice now. Make then another choice now. Before you make this new choice, give yourself permission to wonder whether you might learn something from the current situation. And ask yourself, does it hurt, where does it hurt and how does it feel. If you find it difficult to feel the pain, which is always there on the background on your own, you are most welcome to ask for our help. (www.journeytherapeut.nl) or any other therapist. When I look at to my own situation, then abuse always comes up. Even in that particular situation I had a choice, I could have restricted it to one time, by telling about it to my parents (I was not allowed to) and I could offer much more resistance then I did, as a result of which none of this abuse would have happened. I could use all the energy I had then, to say NO. I have done neither of those, and have chosen for a victim model. I am not doing it anymore and therefore those things are not happening in my life anymore.

Through the eyes of a child

April 10, 2009

Imagine that everyone looks at you like a child looks at his parents: in admiration and devotion, as only a child can look. Looks that a full of child imagination at the world in which everything is possible and with full confidence in the adult world: Mature, secure, world full of possibilities. If everyone around you would see you like that, how would it really be? What would you say about yourself and what would you think about yourself? How would your place in the world would be, how would you really look at yourself? What would you tell yourself? Would it help you to assist, and show gratitude? What would happen to your self-confidence, your self-esteem, your love, and how would the world around you look like? I wonder why we often choose to look at ourselves with an eyes of grownups, or in the worst cases with the eyes of our parents. These inner mirrors are so real and so secure that we take them for granted. Nobody have given us another example, nobody have taught us that there multiple ways in which the world and me in the world can be perceived. Even if we look at the world and our own image from our own perspective it still might be influenced by our past experience. Only a child innocence is pure and not yet troubled by any layer of resistance or impurity. Take some time to play with this idea and enjoy together with your inner child.